Picking 5 Things to do of a Morning

Trying to get to 5 things you'd do every morning if you could.
[Photo by Hannah Tims on Unsplash]
Infinite Morning Experiment
Imagine you had a morning that went on forever, and not in a bad way.
What would be all the things you wanted to do in them?
They might be things you wanted to do for fun.
...or a good idea for long term health.
...or needed to maintain and strengthen habits or relationships.
...or needed for work or mental wellbeing.
...or sounds like something you'd like to try
A few helpful ones might include
- Breakfast
- Journaling
- A walk
- Getting kids to school
- Watering and talking to the plants
- Listening to music on way to work
- Watching a favourite show
- Coffee with a friend
Then pick 3 or 5 of your favourite.
My Morning List
A mix of always, sometimes and would-like-to-try, including...
- Coffee and cake in a cafe
- Reviewing dreams
- Language learning
- Writing in journal
- Meditation
- A run
- Creating something
- Sketching something
- Dancing around the flat
- Shower and shave
- Walk listening to podcast / audiobook
- Yoga
- Listening to a podcast
- Reading a blog
- Planning the day
- Talking to someone
If I had to Pick 5 that I most wanted to do
- Dancing around the Flat
- Listening to a podcast
- Writing in a Journal
- Language Learning
- Sketching something
And possibly talking to someone.
Finishing Up
What are your morning 5?
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