
Why Do We Write, Part 2

Continuing on from Why Do We Write, Part One, exploring reasons why we (and I) write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic

Why Do We Write, Part 1

Exploring why some of the reasons we write, no matter what we write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic or technical documentation,

Finding How Much You Write

As I'm trying to focus more on writing I thought I'd make a list! You can do the same if its something that interests you! Taking Stock When we

Back to Weekly Updates

Time to get writing here each week again! More Writing The Dice Song articles haven't been the best in the last year or so. They've been a chore sometimes,

A Short Poem About Porto

I found a half-made poem in, my drafts about Porto. So here it's finished off! A Short Porto Poem Porto is a place of art by the sea In Portugal, it