Creative Audiobooks for 2023

Following on previous articles on Audiobooks and Podcasts, here are creative audiobooks for 2023.

These are available in dead tree formats too. I haven't linked to the Audiobooks as I don't know your preferred platform or country. Hopefully you do!

One difference since last year is starting a Creative Book Club in Porto.

[Cover image by Lee Campbell on Unsplash]

The Source by Dr Tara Swart

This one I have listened to a few times.

It has visualisation, manifesting, sorting out what you want. It talks about dealing with emotions, sleep and physical health. And things needed to look after our brain.

However, the magic behind it is going through all of these things and explaining the science and brain processes behind them. And our brain is our most important creative tool.

There's also a 4-step process at the end of it for visualising and manifesting what you want. For me that was an extra bonus and less interesting than the rest of it.

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

A choreographer who brought many works of dance to the stage and show, Twlya explores here methods and practices for finding ideas and improving creativity. The hard work that goes into brining things to life through rituals, techniques and self-knowledge.

It's one I wasn't convinced with on the first read. But I've found myself using the concepts such as "the Spine" of a piece of creative work, and the act of "scratching" around for ideas.

Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

This book takes a look at what is taking our attention in the modern ways, and looks at ways to help our concentration and focus. And we need our focus to be creative!

The author looks at 12 causes for this crisis, of which some will surely resonate with the reader. I identified a couple to work on!

Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This is a short one, writing out the process of dealing with the death of her father, in another country during covid.

The creative angle is the dealing of grief, an emotion we often don't talk about with or having difficulty dealing with. And emotion is at the heart of much of creativity.

Finishing Up

Be back next year for more creative audiobooks!