A Meetup For Sketching and Painting in Porto

Not what I thought I'd be creating when I moved to Porto!

A Separate Meetup

Meetup is a way for me to organise events that I would want to go to, but don't yet exist.

One of these is a sketching and painting group that's grown up out of the Creative Coffees group in Porto. Our format is very simple, a group of us meeting somewhere (outside for summer), then sketching, painting and chatting. With beginners definitely welcome.

It's become popular enough and distinct enough to deserve its own group, with the hope that others will organise events too!

It also keeps the Coffee Creatives back to being about the coffees in cafes, with regular coffee chats and the book club.

It hasn't been part of my original plans for the year, but sometimes you move with what's working!

Finishing Up

Now I'm thinking of combining for all three of my meetups, with a creative picnic of sketching and drawing!