Next Iteration of Story Icons

I've got creative urges again and I'm being pulled towards a new version story icons, one of my off and on side projects.
A Long Term Project
Story Icons is a long term project for me. It started a few years ago on Chartopia as an experiment and has progressed with Pirates and Cyberpunk.
It's an ongoing project which is fun, challenging and creative. And is also language-independent and has the potential to be much more.
Recently I've been reading about art and wandering around some places of Europe. Something just clicked together about next stage of Story Icons.
I wanted to make something collaborative and separate to my roleplaying tools. Something between writing inspiration, rpg tool, art, story prompt and side project.
There are two parts for the next Story Icons. One is making it more of a community or collaborative project. One is the features that could be added.
The collaborative parts are...
- Make it an open source project so that anyone can take it and make it their own
- Allow others to choose their own groups of icons or tag existing groups
- Find people who make similar tools and see if they want to join.
The features list is...
- Add more groups of icons such as Science Fiction, Fantasy Characters, Horror, Forests or Spiders
- Let people choose one or more groups when they generate their icons
- Add a filter to let people choose colour schemes
- Add more shapes instead of squares with rounded corners. So stars, triangles, circles
- Let someone choose an icon to use as a large background for others.
- Add static images people can generate icons within. Such as a character silhouette with spaces for icons in mouth, eyes, nose, chest and hands for example
- Allow people to keep some icons and re-roll the rest
- Create a board where icons can be dragged around
Next Steps
Finding time to work on it while I'm traveling is next step. But finding time is the issue for everyone for their projects.
One of my current focuses is "Random Generators" so could make it a project for that.
Then separating out story icons from my random tools site and putting it into an open source project.
Then finding others wanting to do something similar and starting to add more features.
Finishing Up
Are there any projects you've got that need some dusting off? That have been left for a while but would bring you some joy and purpose once more?
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