Dice Song

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Time to get writing here each week again! More Writing The Dice Song articles haven't been the best in the last year or so. They've been a chore sometimes,

A Wednesday Switch

Going to try a change, see if it works. A Change is as Good As... Seem to be lacking something in the personal blogging department. Maybe continual rain, or lots going on. Or

Reflecting on....Blogs

So today's blog is another quick one, with the random subject of Reflect on..Blogs Blogs to Reflect On Today is one of those in-between times, as I'm meant

Belated 3 Year Anniversary Post

I forgot to post at the weekend! So here it is... Three Years Dice Song was started as a personal blog experiment three years ago. Here's my first post - Podcasts

New Article Ideas

A bad idea for an article but a good one for my ideas. Some Random Ideas as an Article! Well, today I'm struggling to write a fortnightly blog post, and no