A Last Tale of Short Words on a Song of Dice

On the back of change from last week, this is one last tale of short words. The Rule of Short Words is in my first tale.

[Photo by Guillermo Velarde on Unsplash]

The Start of a Blog

There was a man who wrote, and wrote much on games with dice. And made small books of charts on games of dice. That those who did like would pay for.

But there was a need to write on more than just games, so the thought of a new blog was born. A place to write on a new theme each week. To try things and see what would work and what would not.

To let the Dice roll and see what Song would play.

And thus a blog was born.

The First Year of the Blog

And so the blog posts did flow, one each two weeks. At the start there was a push on side schemes and lots of blog posts with not much to join them to in themes.

But it was the time of the plague and the long time we were to stay at home or come out but with a mask on our face. A time where it was hard to dance or game or meet or see friends.

And there were more posts on Life and Thoughts on Themes with no Goal.

Year Two and the a New Time

A year did pass and there were more blog posts, now each week. There were trips to the Land of Port and lots of thoughts on the time to come.

Things grew and there was a change in tone on the blog. Three small groups of words came to be, to guide the themes and posts of the blog.

So it was time to draw a line, to move from posts that did write for me to ones that did speak to those who read them.

And it was time to send to rest the Tales of Short Words and things that were now done.

And look to a time which would still have Tales and Words but not the Tales of Short Words.

The next roll in the Song of the Dice.

Post Tale Part

So goes the Last Tale of Short Words on a Song of Dice.

So long, old part of the blog.