Why Do We Write, Part 2

Continuing on from Why Do We Write, Part One, exploring reasons why we (and I) write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic

Outline for A Podcast

Making an outline for a podcast that doesn't exist (and probably never will). A Possible Podcast This article has come from a writing prompt I have, which is "write an

Why Do We Write, Part 1

Exploring why some of the reasons we write, no matter what we write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic or technical documentation,

Leaving Porto

I've made the long-term decision to leave the big city Leaving the Big City of Porto So Porto isn't a big city. It's population is just under

Rejigging Dice Song

Time for a new phase for my personal blog! Reflecting Direction As I'm back to writing regularly, it's time to have a refresh and rethink about what Dice Song