
Why Do We Write, Part 2

Continuing on from Why Do We Write, Part One, exploring reasons why we (and I) write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic

Why Do We Write, Part 1

Exploring why some of the reasons we write, no matter what we write. Multiple Reasons for Writing Whether we write blogs, an email, poetry, fan fiction, journals, a fantasy epic or technical documentation,

Reflecting on....Blogs

So today's blog is another quick one, with the random subject of Reflect on..Blogs Blogs to Reflect On Today is one of those in-between times, as I'm meant

Belated 3 Year Anniversary Post

I forgot to post at the weekend! So here it is... Three Years Dice Song was started as a personal blog experiment three years ago. Here's my first post - Podcasts

5 Ways to Become a Better Writer

I'm not a great writer. But I do manage to publish 3 blog posts a week currently! Becoming a Better Blogger or Writer Writing a blog might be a hobby for